FACILITIES ENJOYED BY PAN AMERICAN AIWaYS IN BRITISli TERRTTOKf IN THE CARIBBKaN AKK;.. Annex I. 1- Colony Leeward Islands Bfih-'irans Port of Call St. Johns, Antigua. Type of Aerodrome v.atcr Nassau Water British Guiana British Honduras Georgetown Selizc Jurmi ca Kingston Water Water Water aerodrome facilities Wireless Facilities A portion of land adjoining the harbour is leased to the Company for 15 years from 13.12.1932 for the construction of an air base. The alighting area , comprises part of the harbour. Landing of passengers and refuelling are carried out from a small float provided by the Company. Portion of ground abutting the water area hao been leased to the Company for 15 years foi tlie construction cf an oi^-ba^e- (-?'btect to termination under certain conditions after LW39). An area of water is licensed as an aero- • drorao to the Company who themselves provide buoys, romps and other facilities they require. An area of the Demerara river S. of Georgetown Harbour has been declared a customs aerodrome. Passengers land on and refuelling takes place from a barge provided by the Company. A portion of grojid at Tillott's Pond in Pine Ridge on lease for 15 years for an air-base. A portion of Var Department land at or near Harbour Head is leased to the Company for on air-base. An area of water is lioensod as an aerodrome. The company provide moorings and such other facilities as they roouire (c) Permission to ir.ntsl and operate a -irol< station. Renei annually. 1 Permission to in operate a wirol station; free u wirvless facili provide*! by tho Covvrmsonf if t peraisaion is revcVxd. and Period of Operating Permit Permission to inntol and operate a vdrvlusB station; rcne»';i annually. 1 Permission to ln:ital and operate a w/t station; renewed annually. Permission to li.stol and operate, a wireless station terminable at one year's notice. tb agreement. 1C years from 20th Septen* er, 1934 (a) Subject to successive renewals of 5 year a each unless terr*-noted by notice given 6 months tefore the end of any term. Indefinite, but subject to term- ination at 6 months' notice. 15 years (b) from 1st March 1936. 10 years from 25th September, 1934, la)- Poriod of Postal Contract for Carriage of Air Malls. No agreement. Payment for mails is made on the basis of gross weight carried. 5 years' contract from 14th December, 1934, continuing automatically for 5 yearly period* unless notice in given 6 month* before the -rd of any such periods.(s). Ho agreement. Payment lbr mails is mado on the basis of gross weight carried. As in column 6.la). Kcirnrka. The Company's air sorvioc between Nassau and Miami is subsidised by the Bahamas Government under a 5 yearn egreejxmt from 1st July, 1934. (*>• The Company are required to spend #16,000 on the construction of their airport. (b) The agreement is "non- exclusive", hut the Company entitled to any additional rights and privileges extended to other Companies, except British Companies operating subsidised sorvices. (c) The lcaso is for 10 years from 25.9.1934 and provides for its extension concurrently with the operating agreement if that is renowed. (a) This Agreement is "exclusive" as against other United States Companies. )0 Colony Port of Call Type pf AerodrouR Aerodrome Facilities Wireless Facilitiui Period of Operating Permit. Period of Poatal Contract for Carriage of Mails. Rtir-arks. Trinidad Port of Spain hater Land. Portions of land have been purchased or leased by the Company for on air-base at Cocorite Bay. (\iatcr area has been declared a Government Aerodrone) It ia proposed to grant the Company a licence for 1 year, subject to renewal, to manage the air base on behalf of Government. Piarco. Permission to inst-J. and operate a wireless I station terminable on one year'3 notice I 6 years from 5.1.1936 with option of renewal for 5 years, (a). 1 5 years (concurrently with the operating agreement), (.a). (Infowation regarding conditions of user not available). (a) This Agreement is Mexclusive" as against other United States Companies.