10 Kls kJuVi Owtnawi la too Onltod Kln*i*o, boioa ^4* ttoo to «nbU 1a .art too dnliraUoM Mdi os ito bobalf EaooUoaoy to* *Uht ana*rablo Tho of LotoUa, C«R«9 JftteAMQOr miMflUil? S*d PlOOitOtoOtUry, iA KU MNUO Soot—hr 1940* to tho (fay i lint of tho Onltod Stotos of oo?y toloh Is haroto oopondad ami sndo a pari norciof, do by praatoto to that and, oaao and osooato too foil—Ugl Bla aajoutgr«» Gorsmaoat baroby loono to tfas Snltod etatoa arias for to« •riod >f alnotr-aiAo /oar* fror the dato an able slon tooroof ahoU to formally tMof orrod, too faUavlat sroao si to* tod Is British Oulana, British *»«t Xndlsa* (X) Bo*lnnlnj; at a point oa too riant (test) bank of tho Eomarara Wrox aw to«us«od yard* ooathooot of too rood JwotloB at Hydo Pnrkj toonoo about ooo ¦ad nn> to If alios >, roalaAto.y too and ono-axOf osjoara olios. (Roforonoot ttoo of too Soa Canst «f British nnlsno, la taa abaoto* 19-5). at by bla of of (2) Tor a boon for patrol pXaaool too orot to bo fIftooa hnadrod foot Ion* by »l* foot »ido, o r.tsJain* », .proalnatoly trooty- >sv ob too oost onaaaal of too Hooasulbo Rlvor, botoooa too Jyam Rlrrr und Klboral*. (3) tbo axoot notoo cad bounds of too o ah*-l bo •otobllobod by snrooy t of tha foraanlrta; of land and antor afcftU Inulndn tha (•) Bm riant, and authority to um, fill, and to mU tmt and to Ifiiw and daapan tha ifrtraana thoroof and jii a—11j Wo>«r allftU tnlnfa to fit Um prmXmm for um aa naval and air aataat (h) Knelnaiva rinnta, aMar» Mitharity, and otmtrol aitfcftn Um araaa and within tha UrritnrUl «nUra and air ananat adjanant to or In ton Tlaiuity of anon mu ana apt ni (a) Inn rljht, pom, and Authority to awadnai uilltary oparaUona altnln any para of frrltta* (trtana and in* antora and sir anana to ton art ant «ni aanlaat far tan pmtaatlun of too property, 1aatmnantalitla», Uaa of ton Unitan Stotoa of Jnarioa or otoamiM to anfaganrd ito nn- (d) tha riant, poaur* and Authority to aontrol tha *Maoru (a) tha rinnt* pa«aa> and authority to nontrol tha ananornna, i tahoaffa, flights, Xandlnsa, ¦wnnti, and oparatlon of *U tha UuiU of tha arana lauuac, and althln tha territorial m adjanant to or in tha vicinity of anon arana, to ha found naananary or aouvaniant In tha nan, oootrol of all end tna (f) tha ri*t, and authority to tiona of tml iU fmn, to and within (*J laa right, po««r, and authority t* aaplay aad aaa all ooaaaralal or , 4*Ua hUUUm, mM«m and fKlUUH, iU road*, Mgaaaya, briag**, rla4atts, aaoal*, aad liclUr aaamala of transportation to taa mm aKtaat oud aadar taa mm aoadiUona m IU lajo«tr*o QmnMli (h) Tuo right* jM! r, and authority to install, ba Intain. Had #par» ats at «k* rltaa as nay ha nnanasaiy or ooavaaiaat, UMMtf uo'trnW dnfaaaaa, laa uaing oinoa, oats, boons, sound datnatloa, and attar slnll- tf daniossj ©antral station* anhora, whom, disnsaaary and fir at aid iUU«i, Ugats, naming or cntaating darlons, and ailitory poll—, to Mill astant av any ba found naooantfy or aoaveniant la tha una, aontrol, and ?mt option cf tha araaa laanaa* (l) Th« rttfit, povor, and authority to aacuiro by anpplanaatary lac a* froa Bis najo.ty'o Qorarauaut far tha uaaanlrnd , out aonaldarution othar than J mat conpansatlon to prlvata omara if any, additional araaa, aitaa, laestloas, and right-of-way a for auxiliary air* araft landing finlds, roads, aauamays, |aj|i|ang, poo air . ;o*s, an tar tains, seaars and slallar faalUUea to ruoh extant at nay ba found iiaaaaaary or aoavaalaat for too aataaliataMt, ¦¦Inlanaana, uaa aad pcvtaatina af nasal and air baaat la tha efornaaid laaaad araca. (J) t*« right, pmr, aad authority, without onartdarntlan otaar than just inaaainiUoa to prluuto o*a«ra, if any, to antar upon say ^ropartj la aha vicinity of tan laaaad araaa for taa puraoaa of inapaating, alaaring, draining or taking mj othar eaaaura cuoaidarad naasaory or daairaala to aaaaaai una aaalth of paraocnai qaartarad or atatioaad vithia thoaa araaa* (a) tha right, paaar, aad •uthority to install, —lata la aad Optra to buoys, Ughthouans aad aaah othar alas to navigation as aar ba dataralaad to ba a aaa ¦ nary ar daairaala Jithin taa araaa iaaaod or taa approaahaa . (1) Tha right* povar, aad authority far ailitary and naval alroraftaf taa Oaitad SUtas to aaa taa . ublia airfialda la BriUaa Oulana ansa aad aa aoedltiona pamlt vithia tha oapaalty of thaws faailittaa, aaajoat to tao ?ra*l*loa that Uie Air amft lancilag fields mA fsalllUos of too 0*lt*xi SUW« of laorlaa, la BriUaa Qui*a*, bo hoi MilUklt to Bis aaja»ts**a QmnMal ob 1torn* and additions* U) Tho right, pow*r, sad authority to «m tU pdollo loads, umi^ sltos, fsrti# oooftu, plora, tuays, Borth*, shops, rspsir fooUiUos, •rw»l«» assail i*o»» aad aonpltols to too oxtont shlo* asy aoooao aooea- aary or ooovamlont for the protection of tho >rev«rty, laotowsatollUoa, •ad 4tUTlUti cf too Onitod SUU«f or otfcorala* to safasnsrd too aa- tloaal interests vltaoat ccapoaaatloa other taaa r baiiiwat of amy a«V dlUoaaX ©oat dirootly rssmltlag froa saam bob. (a) Thi« prim*** of laportlag fro* from oil feu a, lapoats, soulae*, toll a, ass torn, levies, or aoaeseaaat* of aay aatore «MWnrt ell anlps, to*to, elrareft, areas, aaaaiasry, supplies, asteriela, e^uljStaat, slota- im$0 household laralsalags, provisions, goods, aaros, aarefcaadtie aad artlalos similar to the aforesaid, eonslgvod to or daatlnod for my asv UTltr of toe United Stater, of sBsrlaa, Ito allitory, aaval, or oivll personnel sa, inclwtlag aaaa ao a*? no ,>riw»toly oanod «lthla tao laaaad iirovidod for, aa aaan data a a nay bo dotarnlaod apoa ay tho ami tod Staton of aaarlaai Proridod, that tao Oaltad 8tntoa of inorlon aholl my to lia amjooto/*a Qamaaaat aaaa am or aaaa an aa? no antuOly 1 grill apoa to coapaaaoto tao nan an of prlanto aia^'ltf far loon ay an» propriatlon or daaaao orlntat* oat of tha laiihUaanaal or aaaa! or air •5-