Ua lajos*'s Oavajnaont la too Unit* flaglM, bala* daalroat at tola Um to asosvto la part the Malamtlaat aado on lis bohalf br Ha Bi*ht Bonorablo Tno aw fill of WW, tA, Brltian ¦•ordinary m noatpataatlaty, la fcU i i ioation of 2, 19*0, to too Qooa¦—¦t of too Onltod Btatoa of HIM, a of toloh is horvto iwilwl and aado a part horoof, do bj thono to that oad, aako and oxooato too folio** i Rla Majost/«a Oownui«t horofay loaao to too Onitod Btotoo of to- la* porlod of oator altoatod to 8t. Lncda, lUaaaal Xalanao, Britioh loot Xadloai (X) Starting at a point to am lalot lay on too Uno on too aoato bank af too rlror aoato af lalot Tilla*•, film* firt bsndrod foot too to latitoeo faogUai oogrooo, ftor adnata ' foot aao taatt to too alas* too atorillai to too point of ot oontolnlBc oanrojtooto] H.O. Chart U&. (2) to aaaa af aayfoitaatoly one one atlsa, to to solootod af tor a dotoilod aarvojr* to bo Xooatod within too aaaa dooarlbod by too folio* ng it way on—iiilotion, traversing all the ami lMMd (Gro8 Islet Bay and Yieux Fort) or substitute high- way ccssJnmioaUon around the araaa laaaad ahall ba provided and malntaiaad by the United Statan of Am- arloa and fraa uaa therof granted Hie lajeaty*a Government. Ref erenow lap of 8t. Lucia, Scalei one inch ecuals two and one-quartar miles. (3) The exact nates and bounda of tha above described araaa ahall ba actabliahad by survey. Tha grant of the forego in areas of land and eater ahall lnoluda tha following! (a) Tha right, power, and authority to use, fill, and occupy tha ea- ters adjacent to said areas and to lnprove sad deepen tha entrances thereto and tha aahhorages thereof and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for uaa as naval and air baa—, (b) Exclusive rights, power, authority and control within the afore- said areas and within the territorial waters and air ,>aces adjacent to or in tha vicinity of such araaa except as hereinafter otherwise provided. (c) The right, power, and authority to assume military control and ecsadoat military operations within soy part of St. falsi ¦ and surrounding waters and sir space to the extent v hich may become noecssary or convenient for the protection of the property* instrumentalities and activities of tha United States of America or otherwise to safeguard its national inter* esta. (d) The right, power, and authority to control the anchorage, moor* ings, movements, oomwunicaUons and operations of whatever character of all ships and water borne craft within the limits of tha araaa leased and tha territorial waters adjacent thereto or in tha vicinity of such areas to tha extent that may be determined as necessary or convenient in the use, control mad defense of such areas. (s) The right, power, and authority to control the anchorage; moorings, take-offs, flights, 1 finding movement: , and operation of all aircraft within tha limits of the areas laasad and within the territorial waters and air spaces adjacent to 01 in tha vicinity of such areas, to such extent &s may be found nminry or convenient in the um, control aid Mf«N of each (f) The right, power, and authority to regulate and control all ex- ternal and Internal ccenvani cations of whatever nature, fron, to, and with- in the areas lac sod. (g) The r«ant, pover, and authority to enploy and one all ucnaarglsl or public utilities, services and facilities, all roads, highways, bridges, viaducts, canals and similar channels of transportation to tan sane extent and under the sane conditions as His Majesty1» Government. (h) The right, power, and authority to install, nalntain, and opeiw ate at such oltes as nay be necessary or convenient, armament, underwater defenses, including nines, nets, boons, sound detection, and other ainilnr devices! control stations ashore, beacons, dispensary and first aid •ta- tiona, lights, warning or detecting devices, and Military police, to such extent as nay be found ncccasary or convenient in the use, control, and protection of the areas leaned* (i) The right, power, and authority to acquire by nupplenent&ry lease fron His Majesty1* Government for the unexpired period ot this leaae, with- out consideration other than Just compensation to private owner;, if any, additional areas, sites, locations and rights-of-way for auxiliary aircraft landing fields, roads, causeways, bridges, power lines, water aelns, sewere and alxilax facilities to such extent as nay be found necessary or conven- ient for the establishment, maintenance, use and protection of naval and air bases in the aforesaid leaned arena. (j) The right, power, end authority, without consideration other than Just compensation to private owners, If any, to enter upon any property in the vicinity of the leased areaa for the purpose of inspecting, clearing, draining or taking any other ensures considered necccsary or desirable to protect the health of personnel quartered or stationed within those areaa* (k) the right, power, and authority to in tall, —Intel* and oper- ate buoys, lighthouses and such other aids to navigation as may be de- termined to be neecssary or desirable. (X) the right, power, and authority to use all public lands, areas, sites, forts, docks, piers,