¦ & ! Copy, * EXTRACT from Abstract Translation of the Hindustan Ghadr for February,1940. Page 7- 11• Open letter to the troops* # (Note:- This open letter is "being distributed to the troops "both inside and outside of India. The authors of this letter earnestly appeal to all patriots to endeavour to deliver this letter to soldiers wherever possible and to tell our military comrades to read it and pass it on to others to read). Dear military brothers,- just consider, for whom are you wasting your valuable lives? The Farangis have reduced your "beloved homeland -to servitude. They have robbed the India which was once fabulously wealthy and made it the poorest country on earth. With the loot of India they have made England wealthy and powerful. Every year these Farnagis take av/ay from India to England about one hundred crores of rupees in the form of commercial profits, interest on loans, pensions, salaries, etc. With your help they have kept India in bondage. With your help they have enslaved China, Burma, Africa and other territories. Indian soldiers, what is the use of dying for strangers? Out of Indian loot these Farangis pay your wages. For every rupee they rob India they give you out of it about four annas. The remaining tv/elve annas they take to England. To-day these Farangis tell you that you are eating their salt. How misleading! The Farangis themselves eat the salt of India but are disloyal. They have reduced India to slavery and are robbing the country. Dear military brothers, you are eating the salt of India, not that of the Farangis. You should be loyal to India. Fight for the independence and defence of India. To-day India is in bondage. To-day when you fight for the Farangis you are doing dishonour to yourselves, and to us far more. The world calls us the slaves of the Farangis and spits in our faces. Come, for God's sakel To-day when people look at photographs of you they say "There go the slaves of the English." 7/hen they see your photographs your own Indian brethren hang down their heads for shame. Come, brothers; there is more than enough already; do not cause more confusion. Dear friends, the Farangi Government is once more entangled in a European war. The Farangis will call you heroes and will try once more to make use of you. Be careful not to be misled by their soft speeches and to be entangled in their toils. You are not enemies of the Germans. Tell the Farangis that you eat the salt of India and can therefore fight only for the independence and defence of India, not for anything else. If willy-nilly they take you away to the War shoot blindly and when opportunity offers desert to the other side with your arms. Dear soldiers, India is behind you. Indian patriots have passed resolutions to the effect that if the Farangi Government does not give independence to India no / .assistance assistance will "be forthcoming. Dear "brothers, you get much less pay than English soldiers. To-day you are the slaves, the Farangis are the masters. To-day throughout the world the Farangis are respected, "but you command no respect. If India "becomes free the whole picture can "be changed. To-day in India the "biggest positions are filled "by Farangis and they have the biggest salaries. After securing Indian independence you will have those "big . positions and salaries. The wealth which goes to'England as loot will no longer go. The material lot of all your Indian "brothers will "be improved. . Dear military brothers, the time to decide has arrived. The English are bound to have you slaughtered somewhere or other in this war. If you have to die, then become martyrs fighting for independence.. Slaves attract no notice if they die, but the whole world pays homage to those who sacrifice themselves, for freedom. Indian patriots rely on you to fight for India's independence. V/e are, Your comrades - Soldiers in the war of independence.