Sorra FR-283-a Released for publication Friday morning, April 5,19/0; not earlier, STATEMENT OF CONDITION \\ ' OF TH3 T17ELVE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS 0CSSI9ED 'In thousands of dollars) A S S E Gold certificates on hand and due from U. S. Treasury Redemption fund - F, R. notes Other cash Total reserves Bills discountedt Secured by U. S. Gov't obligations, direct and guaranteed Other bills discounted Total bills discounted Bills bought in open market Industrial advances U. S. Government securities, direct and guaranteed! Bonds Notes Bills Total U, S. Government securities, direct and guaranteed Total bills and securities Due from foreign banks F. P.. 'notes of other banks Uncollected items Bank premises Other assets TOTAL ASSETS L I A B I T T 'P T T? F. R. notes in actual circulation Deposits 1 Member bank - reserve account U. S. Treasurer - Genera?:, account Foreign bank Other deposits Total deposits Deferred availability items Other liabilities including accrued dividends TOTAL LIABILITIE S CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital paid in Surplus (Section 7 Surplus (Section 13 b Other capital accounts TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Ratio of total reserves to deposit and F. R. note liabilities combined Commitments to make industrial advances Apr. 3, 19^0 Increase or decrease since¦ Liar. 27, Apr. 5, 1940 1939 16,101,619 8,123 375,463 16,485,205 + 54,001 - 116 + 3,^01 + 57,086 +3,528,901 1,480 + 14*781 +3,542,202 1,076 1,675 2,751 10,138 ¦ + 598 + 62 + 661 345 + 14 + j.85 + 19? 561 - 3,756 • 1,337,495 1,129,225 - 4,550 " - 4.000 + 426,405 46,884 - 476,816 2,466,720 . - 8,550 - 97,295 2,479,609 47 17,998 636,668 41,612 52,257 - 8,234 — - 1,693 -106,608 59 + 252 - 101,413 - : 114 870 + 59,661 1,030 + 9^524 19,719,396 - 59,256 +3,507,960 4,934,636 + 35,519 + 536,206 l-5 395,460 692,077 334,335 352,536 +101,458 - 7,800 - 10,738 - 60,285 +3,077,630 - 410,820 + 151,919 + 114,729 13,824,408 • 604,541 + 22,635 -117,012 +2,933,458 + 30,602 3.568 19,367,153 803 - 59,661 449 +3,499,017 136,145 151,720 26,839 37,539 19,719,396 + 13 + 392 - 59,256 + 1,219 + 2,568 425 + 4,781 +3,507,960 87.956 8,350 + .1% fe: + 126 + 3.2g - 3,73.2