"Philadelphia Inquire" April 7, 1940 FIRST REICH ENVOY ICE 1907 IN CITY Official's Presence Here Three Months Remains Mystery Philadelphia woke up yesterday to the fftct that Germany, for the first time in 33 years, has put the city on its diplomatic map—a dot with a Circle around it. Why the Nazi regime should have seen fit to accredit this seaport city, now that its trade with the Reich is virtually dead, remained a mystery, bur the fact remained that since January, the German consular offices here have been occupied by nothing less than an Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary. PRESENCE UNNOTICED Previously, Germany had been rep- resented here by an honorary consul. The new envoy is Erich Windcls, German Minister to Canada until the outbreak of the current war. He arrived here so quietly, nearly three months ago. that his presence at the Drake went completely unnoticed- He vanished again for a brief stay at Pinehurst a few weeks later, leav- ing none the wiser until his return. Middle-aged, partly bald, he has gray eyes that sparkle when he smiles, and a sharp nose and thin lips. Rimless spectacles give him the look of an American businessman, and his faultless English never belies It. His duties so far, Wlndels said, have been purely routine. Asked why his Government had sefit him here, he commented: "Our Governments do not usually give us reasons—just orders."