9 76TU C0N0KE88 | ¦id Semtiow J SENATE Report No. 1346 AUTHORIZING INVESTIGATION OK ACTIVITIES OK AGENTS OK FOREIGN NATIONS AFFECTING NEUTRAL- ITY OK THE UNITED STATES March 27 (legislative day, March 4), 1940.—Ordered to be printed Mr. Clark of Missouri, from the,Committee on Foreign Relations, submitted the following REPORT (To accompany S. lies. 186) 'Die Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, having had under consideration the resolution (S. Res. I8G) authorizing an investigation of the activities of agents of foreign nations alFecting the neutrality of the United States, hereby report the same favorably to the Senate and recommend that it do pass, with the following amendments: On page I. line 5, after the word "for", strike out the words "or on behalf or. On page 2, line 3, after the word "employ", add the words "and to call upon executive departments for". The purpose of this resolution is to make available to the people of the United States current information concerning the activities of any person, firm, or corporation acting for any foreign nation en- gaged in disseminating propaganda which might jeopardize the neutrality of the United States. It is intended to avoid a recurrence of the delay in making public such information pertaining to propa- ganda activities during the World War, some of which was not made known to the people until 20 years later. For the information of the Senate there is appended hereto and made a part of this report a communication from the Secretary of State to the chairman of tlie Committee on Foreign Relations, dated January 22, 1940, commenting upon tho proposed adoption of this resolution, which reads as follows: Dkpahtment of Stats, Wnshington, January 22, tO/,0. The Honorable KSV PlTTUAN, United States Senate. My Dear .Sknatoh Potman: I refer to your letter of December 23, 193U, transmitting for consideration and recommendation or report Senate KcMohition (112) 9787/250 2.0O0.CO0 404 JCSSLM Cp 644/229 (REQIMINT) INVESTIGATE Acinc waged abroad/' You arc, of course, familiar with the provisions of the statute of June 8, 1938, requiring the registry with the Secretary of State of agents of foreign principals, A copy of this statute is enclosed for* your convenient reference. Under this statute 394 agents have been registered and have filed with the Department statements on the enclosed form setting forth full information in regard to their foreign principals, their contracts with the foreign principals, and the activities of the agents in this country. These statements are. in aecordancc with the terms of the statute, maintained in a special file in the Department, which is open to examination by the* public, A list is enclosed of the agents registered as of December 20, 1939. The question of enacting Senate Resolution 180 is of course for determination by the Senate, It should he noted, however, that the provisions of the statute of June 8, 1938. have already made available to the Congress and the public much of the information which would probably l>e forthcoming as a result of the inves- tigation contemplated by Senate Resolution 186, Sincerely yours, Co UDELL Hull, o