6*? BRITISH 5MBA3SY, ¦VASHI!fOTCHf D. C. Hay 27th, 1940 No. 334 Sir, I have the honour, under instructions -A from His Majesty's Princi-pal secretary of state for foreign Affa rs, to enquire whether should hostilities brea.-. out between the United Kingdom and Italy the United states Government will be good enough to undertake the protection of persons, property and interests for whose protection His majesty's Ambassador in Italy and consular officers unaer his superintendence are normally responsible. be willing to undertake the above charge I am to request that the United states diplomatic and consular officers in Italy may be authorised to act accordingly. Should the United states Government I have the ' onour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, (903) LOTHIAN Cordeli Hull, secretary of State of the United states, ./ashington, D.C. MMB:DH