1 Abstract Translation of the "HlflDKttTAV agfcPg" for June, 1940. £Mii®JL" t> The first page is devoted to the usual picture of the Spirit of Independence and to a poem which emphasises that now is the time for action. One stanza may refer to + means free GDHMI bINOH Ai-AD + - "If you wish to be called azad, sll you Indians should emulate Ai-AD". E8M 8* 2. There is a crudely printed reproduction of a "Rough account of the English Raj" which the paper says was originally printed in every revolutionary newspaper. "Hitler has almost destroyed brutal English imperialism, that will now be the state of things in India?" "ffhet follows is taken from the words or writings of trustworthy Englishmen. Readers should memorise this rough account". The following are the main items:- Removal of 50 crores of rupees to England every year, thereby imooverishing India. Englishmen go to India to drink the blood of Indians. Famine is increasing and two crores of Indians have died of starvation in the last 16 years. In the last 24 years 80 lakhs have died of plague. The death rate has risen from 24 to 34 per lf000. In the native states dissension is caused and fear of the English Raj is spread abroad. Ho reasonable excuse is given for beating Indians and dishonouring their womenfolk... India is reduced to slavery to benefit Ju6t a few wealthy Englishmen. Opium and liquor are sold for profit to Indians wno never asked for them. Sixty per cent of England's goods are sold in India: India's commerce is the ^englishman's richest loot. The money spent by the Knglish in enslaving India is called by them "India's indebtedness". The assistance given by India to enslaved other countries is also included in tnis debt. The interest, amounting to several crores of rupees, is taken to Sag land.. In the 1914 war several million pounds were taken away as a gift in wnicn India had no say, though people in India were dying of starvation. PaKe 3. 3. UDHAM SINOH Ai-AD's picture is reproduced with the following words:- "The full story of the martyr MUHAMMAD SINOH ALAD's life will be written in due course. Here only one or two matters are recorded from Parangi sources Ai-AD JI lived for some time in America. He used to take a great part in national work. After remaining some time in America, he went back to India, where two revolvers were seized in his possession. According to the police in India he stated that he htd been a member of the Ghadr Party. "Defence Committee. A&AD J I, by punishing Michael OfDwyer for his evil deed6, avenged Jallianwnla Begh. A case is proceeding against him in London and a Defence Committee has been formed in London which is working harmoniously to collect money. In America also a Defence Committee has been formed and has sent a sum of money to London. #e request all who wish to help in A?.AD JI*8 case to send their contributions to the Defence Committee through the Party. The Committee will forward their contributions and acknowledge with thanks." 4. An article headed "Slave rajas are nelping the Parangis" publishes a list of those wno are shamelessly assisting the Parangis. It says that the Parangis have printed this list to/ J to prove the loyalty of their slaves and to show the world that Indians are their loyal slaves. "The liaharaja of Bhawanagar has contributed two lakhs of rupees towards the war and has turned over his railway workshops to war production- The Maharaja of Rewal has given a lakh in rations. The Maharaja of Dewas has given an ambulance unit and twenty-two stretcher bearers, The flawab of Karwai has contributed Rs. 2500 for the relief of the wounded... etc. etc. etc..... Altogether these slaves have given about forty lakhs of rupees to the Farangis. Those Indians who help the Farangis in this war are enemies of the nation. Their names should be remembered". 5. In an article headed "Fruit of Dr. PaI^Ia's labours" it is Page 4. stated that as a result of conversations witn the Immigration officials Dr. PANDIA has secured a decision to the effect that there will be a re-trial of all cases in which evidence of identification of photographs was produced. "Mr. Marshall S. Dimmock, Second Assistant Secretary", it says, "has written to Dr. PANDIA to say tnat after careful consideration the Immigration Department has decided to re-open proceedings in every case where photos have been identified by Mexicans. Also all other case6 will be re-opened where there is the slightest reason for doubt. Indians living in America are grateful to Dr. PANDIA. The Doctor earnestly appeals to all Indians whose cases are pending to get together end engage a lawyer to fight their cases. The Doctor is also having conversations in Washington with high officials on the citizenship issue. It is hoped that he will soon have good news to relate". 6. "Indian News. The fruit of sin." "The wise tell us that the evil-doer is awarded the penalty of his sin sooner or later. The traitor KARM SITOH Mannanhana assisted in getting the brave Babbar martyr BHANiNA SINQH killed by the police. This evil-doer has now received the fruit of his evil deeds. Some revolutionary hero has despatched this evil-doer to join BSIA SIHOH and ANtJP SINGH. The identity of the killer is not yet known. The police are searching for him. This news has reached us in a comrade's letter". 7. "Compulsory recruiting in Canada. tfe have heard ttiat a law is about to be passed for compulsory enlistment in Canada. Orders have issued that everyone aged 16 to 60 must register witn the police. Everyone will have to carry a police certificate wnich will bear his photograph". 8. "Volunteers wanted! The present state of the world demands toat the party's work shall be intensified and speeded up. The party wants devote<-6 who understand the value of organisation and are ready in all circumstances to do any work as ordered by the party. Any comrade who wants to serve is requested to send in his name and intimate any change of address! 9. An editorial on the situation created by the Nazi successes Pages 5 & 6 in the West. It is fully anticipated that France will first succumb to the German war machine and then Britain. "The England which has made a habit of oppressing unarmed Indians, when/ when it tastes the big stick of a Hitler stronger than itself, will understand what Indians are feeling like under Farangi oppression!" The editorial concludes: "To-day the Dig stick is in power. Can the Mahatma stop Hitler's big stick with his philosophy? The whole of India should have combined. Had it done so a considerable degree of success mignt have been anticipated. Alas! it could not be. Left and right are pulling in opposite directions and the sectarian reactionaries are playing into the hands of the Farangis. Witnessing the domestic dissensions of Indians, patriots lament but John Bull applauds". A crude cartoon is printed depicting a Hindu and a Muhammadan fighting. John Bull witnesses the scene and urges them to go on fighting, saying that he will guarantee to reward the winner. 10. An article by "B.S. Argentina" headed "Be on your guard!" attacks Mahatma Oandhi for his failure to give a decisive lead. It goes on: "If it be admitted that Naziism is a bad thing, it is for consideration that we have nothing whatever to do with Haziism. How can we go and fight Hitler when we are ourselves slaves? It is a trick to divert the enthusiasm of Indians. They must be on their guard against it.....The Mahatma says that force is evil. He ought to be asked whether it is not force when he sends Indians to help the English against Hitler. Can Hitler be checked by passive resistance? Is it not force to help the Farangi robbers? Is it only force wnen independence is obtained by armed revolt? The history of the world proclaims that independence can be secured only by armed revolt. It is attained by sacrifice only: that is why it is so precious, just as gold is co:-tly because much labour is required for its extraction. If it could be attained by prayers or by four days of fasting, then everyone would attain it, but independence so easily attained would be worthless..... Indians, be on your guard, don't be misled. Our first enemy is the one who tnrottles us. Our next enemy is the one who stands and looks on from a distance. If we can free ourselves from tne former, then we can tackle the latter, but if we cannot save ourselves from the first and bigger enemy, then we cannot escape tne latter. We ought to give up everything else and turn out the Farangi Government. Afterwards accounts can quickly be settled with the other enemies! Inqilab Zindabad! Zalim Shahi Murdabad!" 11. "Some little time ago a newspaper named "OHADR DHANDORA" appeared in China. For various reasons it ceased to exist. It has now begun to anpear again. Two copies have reached our office. We congratulate those comrades whose courage has resulted in the reappearance of this newspaper". 12. "Proclamation of tne progressive party. (Note:- This proclamation has been published by the progressive party so that workers and peasants may be brought into the independence movement. They form the vast majority in India, but until it is clearly explained to them what they will get after Independence has been attained they cunnot be expected to play their part in the independence movement in large numbers. in this proclamation an attempt has been made to clarify the situation.) "Dear Comrades, the real European war has now begun. This war will bring mourning to the homes of the English and joy to the homes of Indians. Indian heroes, wake up. 1914-1918/ 1914-1918 has returned. Do not be again entangled In the net of the Parangis. This is no repetition of the last war which will allow you to return home with rewards- From the next war very, very few will survive. "To-day English I.noerialism ie seriously embarrassed. It is a golden opportunity for Indians. The Parangis are trembling with fear. Arabs and Sgyptians have risen. The prestige of the Parangis is lowered to the dust. India is the one place where the roots of the Parangis are firmly planted. The eyes of tne wnole world are directed towards India. If even now Indians will not rise they will be the whole world's debtors. Indians, awake! Do not la£ behind as if you were asleep! Organise and fight for freedom, land and breadl flThat will our freedom mean to us? (l) Tvery man will get double pay. (g) All workers will have a working day of at most seven hours. (3) Bvery worker will get a month's holiday every year in addition to hie pay. (4) Workers will en^oy full Union rights. (6) everyone over 50 will get a 3tate pension. (6) The State will be responsiole for tne treatment and support of the sick and needy. (7) Peasants will be given free grants of arable land. Revenue will be fixed according to produce. (3) Schools and hospitals will be provided free by the State. The time has come. Indians, arise! Wave the flag of freedom over the whole of India! Inqilab 2.indabad!H 13. A poem signed "B.S. Argentina" entitled "Think of a way to release (our) general" is an appeal to young men to plan mean6 of releasing PIRTHI SIftf>H. It also refers to Gandhi's unfulfilled promise for nis release and says that it was Oandhi wno had him sent to 3ail but forgot all about him. It alleges that the Manatma was similarly responsible for BtiAGAT SIWH'8 fate. 14. The issue concludes witn tne following remarks "Dictatorsnip in ringiand. iir. Churchill nau been made Dictator in England."