«^kU (By My No. 524 BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D.C. 4th June 1940. My Lord, With reference to my despatches Nob. 437 and 465 of the 13th and 16th May respective- ly, I have the honour to transmit to Your Lordship herewith copies of State Department press releases giving the programme, names of the United states delegates, and texts of addresses delivered by the President, the j Secretary of state, the Under secretary of State and professor Albert Einstein at the Sighlh American Scientific Congress held in v'ashlngton from May 10th to 18th last. 2. The Congress, over which the United States Government took special pains in view of the fact that this year is the fiftieth since the foundation of the Pan-American Union, was attended by more than 300 prominent scientists from Latin-America and by over 500 delegates from the United States. A measure of the lengths to which the United States Government went to make it a success is the fact that they induced Professor Einstein to address it, and the National Broadcasting Company to let its /orchestra The Right Honourable The Viscount Halifax, K.G. , etc., etc., etc. FRHM:AC3M:KIP orchestra with its conductor. Signer Toscanini, visit Washington and give a special concert, for which all tickets were distributed free by the State Department. I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, humble servant, (Sgd.f LOTHIAN