r CONGRESS OFFERS TIME TO FINLAND Senate and House Unanimous in Granting Postponement of Debt Payments Siwlal to The Ntw York Time!/ WASHINGTON, June 14-Con- gress adopted without dissent today a resolution offering to Finland an unsolicited moratorium on the pay- ments on its debt to the United States which would fall due on to- morrow and on Dec. 15. The Finn* Ish Government announced tonight, however, that it would pay on the dot. Acting with unprecedented speed, the Senate and House approved a resolution by Senator Vandenberg and provided for engrossment and transmittal of a formal copy to the State Department tonight. The resolution, similar to one made and accepted In 1931, does not decline to accept payment of the Finnish Installment, but offers to Finland, the only debtor nation not In default, the opportunity of post- poning its payments if it so desires. The Senate acted first, followed assurances given to Senator John- son of California that this would not constitute a precedent for debt cancellation. When the secretary of the Senate carried to the House the Vanden- berg resolution, membors on the floor greeted his announcement by rising and applauding. In the meantime the House Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs con- sidered Representative Hamilton Fish's resolution to cancel tho debt and Chairman Bloom reported it favorably. The House then substi- tuted the Senate resolution for its own and passed it. Mr. Fish announced that his only regret was that* the resolution did not cancel the Finnish debt.