J -^- ^ life % \ sBXfXSH mfc&>Y* July 13 th 1S40* Mth reference to «y deepsteh S©# 591 of the 7 th June I have the honour to transmit to Tour uordship herewith the tent of en Aet "to expedite national defence and for other porpeeee"<*o* 67l# K*a* te£8), w' ieh received the * resident9 e signature oo July let* rise Aet lays down procedure for the placing, execution end certification of eootreete for etrengthening of the Ceeet Ouard and for the eequleltl construction, repair or alteration of novel vessels, naval aircraft and equipment If necessary without calle for coapetitive hide* It redueoe to 8# the legal ceiling on profite from naval contracts. It Nkee Mandatory for the period of natloeajeewrgency declared by the President leet September an S-hour day or 40-hour week for personnel employed in the execution of eootreete, end provide* for tactenelon of hours ee neeeeeery end retee of overtime pay* It pro v Idee further for uniformity of these condlttone ee between the various branches of the services effected* It euthorieee the ro-*j«pl©y«cot of retired er, lievy ttspartaent and Coaat Suord personnel eubject to eertein eefeguarde in the oaee of personnel relieved of appoint- •ante In the Interest of national security* It also places certain reetrictlone on aliens employed en confidential ^ovornwent contract** It raises the limit on the coet of naval veaaele laid down by the naval flight itonoorabie appropriation/ The vieeount Hellfex, K*