Excellency: DEPARTMENT OF STATE July 27. 1940 WASHINGTON I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note no. 312 of July 8, 1940 requesting In behalf of the Imperial War Graves Commission the assistance of the Government of the United States in receiving notification of the burial or the recovery of the bodies of members of the British armed forces or of British merchant seamen who may have died as a result of enemy action. I am happy to assure you of the willingness of this Government to comply with the request of the Imperial War Graves Commission, which has been communicated for appropriate attention to the competent authorities within the United States and to His Excellency The Right Honorable The Marauees of Lothian, C.H British Ambassador. to the Departments representatives abroad who are or may be entrusted with the protection of British interests. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. For the Secretary of State: 811.1233/7