A: August 5th» 19W) Dear Mr. President, I enclose, as I promised, a note sunrnaricing an appreciation of Bltier's provable flltUfft strategy sent to the Prime Minister "by *' General 3nuto. I alco enclose a note of the proposals -shJ^about landing Grounds and nav^l facilities in British possessions off the MVt Coast of the united states V which Mr, Churchill would agree to as one of the elements in the possible deal about destroyers. It is important that no public statement should be made aboit this as His Ma^estr'a GoveT-'nment have to make the necessary arrangements with tlie various ^Xloiiial Governments concerned. Believe ne, L:G Dear V.v. President, Yours very 3incerely, The Sight Honourable Franklin I). Roosevelt, President of the United States.