War Graves 16^2/ C /L0 1%. If September 7th, 191*0 Dear Mr, Keeley, &ay I refer to the Ambassador* a note lio. 312 of July 8th and to fcir. Hull's reply (811.1233/7) of the 27th July, regarding notification of the burial or the recovery of the bodies of members of the British armed forces or of British merchant seamen who may have died as a result of enemy action? The Foreign Office confirm that s they would be very grateful if the United £ States Government would in fact interpret our note as covering not only the United States, its territories and possessions, but also those territories in which the United States re; resentatives are or nay be in charge of British interests. This is what I guessed when you enquire^, would be the Foreign Office's wish and I see that the point was in fact covered in Mr, Hull's reply. (SGD) A. Cm KALCOUt J. H. Keeley, Jr., United States Department of State, Washington, D. c. ACEM: DH