Greenland; 102.5/. 7# AO 1* BRITISH EMBASSY" WA8HINGT0N, D. C, October 10th, 1940 No. U88 Sir, -ha I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the note (859 B.01) which you were good enough to address to me on the 23rd September regarding the interest of the United States Government in the status of Greenland, ("mi to inform you that I have "brought its contents to the notice of His Majesty's Principal secretary of State for Foreign ffairs, I have the honour to he, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, The Honourable Cordell Hull, (SOD) LOTHIAN Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C. L:Nt:B :ACEM :DH