October 12th» 1940 / 1 Sir, I am directed by His Majesty's Ambassador to inform you that he has been instructed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of August 5th addressed to His Majesty Kin^ George in which on behalf of the International Magna Carta Day Association you were good enoagh to suggest that the Lincoln Cathedral copy of V.agna Carta be presented by His Majesty to the United states Government after the closing of the current World's Fair in Hew York. In reply I am requested by the Marquess of Lothian to inform you that the motives which prompted you to make this suggestion are highly appreciated. It is feared however that in view of the great sentimental value attached by the people of Great Britain to the only four existing copies of this historic document, transference of ownership to the United States would give rise to insuperable opposition, and cannot therefore be regarded as feasible. X am to add that His Majesty was sincerely grateful for your kind reference to his visit to the United States. I am, Sir, Yours very truly, L. I'.cCormick-Ooodhart Mr. J. W. Hamilton, International ttagna Carta Day Association, 1283 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. ACEM:LMG:MAB