22nd riovewber, 1940 Dear Mr. Acting Secretary, As you will oe aware the question of the areae to be leaeed .to the United States authorities in connexion with the proposed establishment of United States bases In New- foundland was dealt with In a letter which I addressed to tho Secretary of the Navy on November 11th. I have now been Instructed to inform you tttM na regards the proposed bases In 3ermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, St. Lucia and British Culana^ all the British suthoritlee concerned have now been able to consider the proposals put forward by Hear Admiral Greonslade during his recent visits to these colonies and have now reached agree- ment as to the areas which should be leased and the facilities which should be accorded to the United States authorities in the different colonies. It la understood that these areas and facilities, a description of which is con- tained in the schedule annexed to this letter, are in accordance with the requirements of the United States authorities. Xou will moreover note from this schedule that the question of the grant of certain further facilities at Bermuda and St. Lucia Is still under consideration The whole question of the area to be leased and facilitlua to be granted in Trinidad is also still under examination by the British authorities. In the majority of cases the exact boundaries of the areas to oe leased have yet to be defined and it will of course eventually be necessary for formal leases to be concluded In terms still to oe agreed on, leasing the areas in question to the United States authorities for tho perioi of 99 years. Before however such leases can be concluded It will be necessary for The Honourable Sumner Bellas, Acting Secfosary of State of the United States, Washington, DaC« various/ [OVKR various questions concerning In tor alia matters of administration and jurisdiction to be discussed between our two governments. As the Ambassador has already explained in his letter of October 14th to Colonel Knox and on other occasions, the British Government feel that the discussions on these points could most appropriately take place In London, and X ha e aeen Instructed to express the hope that the United States Government will also share this view» His '-ajesty's Government have however no desire to surest that work on the various bases should be postponed pending the completion of the formal leaaes and X am authorised to Inform you that as far as they are concerned the British authorities are entirely agreeable that work should be oe^un by the American authorities without further delay on all the sites their locations of which have already been agreed upon and which are set out In the attached schedule. In the case >f the proposed base in Antigua, however, His Majesty's Government are anxious for the reasons set out In my letter of November 4th to the Secretary of the liavy, and In order, to avoid dleturblng the local labour position, that If possible any major con- structional work in that Island should be postponed until June, 141, I am to express the hope that the United States authorities may find it poaaible to meet the views of the British authorities in this respect. Relieve me, Eear MP* Acting Secretary, Very sincerely yours. (Signed) K. Butler