Enclosure 3. SECRET. H.M.S. Goshawk, Trinidad, 3rd December, 1940. No. 31/2751/3121. United States Seaplanes and Flying Boat Base. Sir, I have the honour to report as follows on the possibilities of Mucurapo Pasture as a Seaplane or Flying Boat Base. 2. There is ample room on Mucurapo Pasture for a Seaplane or Flying Boat Base, of considerable size, together with hangers and all necessary buildings including accommodation for Flying Personnel. 3. The foreshore is muddy and shelves very gradually. The principal difficulty would l>c in the construction of slipways in the soft mud foreshore. The slipways would have to be at least a quarter of a mile long. The frontage available is about 1.4(H) yards, and a good anchorage for Flying boats exists to seaward. 4. It is probable that space would be available on the Pasture for additional Naval Personnel if necessary, but it is not possible to be more precise on this point without more information of the requirements for the Seaplane Base. 5. In addition to the Mucurapo Pasture, however, the reclaimed ground to the South Eastward is available for construction of accommodation for Naval Personnel in considerable numbers, as stated in Captain Dcnison's report No. 31 2752 3120, of 3rd December. 1940. It is unlikely that this reclaimed ground would be required in connection with a Seaplane Base whatever its size. 6. It may be noted that the foreshore near Cocoritc is harder and more suitable for the construction of slipways, but considerable clearing of houses and diversion of the road would l>c required if a Base were to l>c placed in this area. 7. The frontage of Mucurapo Pasture is low lying and soft. I am not able to express an opinion as to how much preparation of this ground would be required before the necessary concrete or tamac aprons, and hangers could be built on it. 1 have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, His Excellency The Governor, R. W. BURTON, Government House. Captain, (A) R.N. Enclosure 4. SECRET. His Excellency the Governok of Trinidad and Tobago. Your Excellency, I have the honour to report that in accordance with verbal instructions I carried out a reconnaissance with a view to finding war time accommodation for 30,000 men and Aerodromes in the vicinity of the area selected by the United States of America since Aripo Savannah has been reported as unsuitable. I have to rc|H>rt as follows :— 1. 'Hie area selected by the United States of America is bounded in red on the attached map.* 2. That portion of the area selected by the United States of America and considered unsuitable owing to the necessity of sub-soil drainage is shown hatched in red, 3. There is ground suitable for the erection of hutments for housing troops shown hatched in blue, which, with the land already selected by the United States of America and considered suitable, will be adequate for tlie numbers specified. 4. From the reconnaissance that I was able to make in the time available I consider that suitable ground for Aerodromes exists round the jwints marked (A), (B) and (C) and, if required, (D). The last carries the objection of being just within five miles of Piarco. As the ground is covered with dense bushes and trees a more detailed survey will, of course, be necessary to confirm this. 5. Rail access can easily be obtained by extending the existing line from the neighbourhood of Arima. 6. Road access presents no difficulties provided that the projMjsed new road to Piarco be extended to the United States area. 7. I suggest that the new boundary of the area for the United States of America be as shown in blue on the map and that if Aerodrome (D) is required the western boundary be extended to include the portion shown by the dotted line. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's obedient Servant, H.Q. Troops, J- Y. BARRINGTON Colonel, Trinidad, B.W.I., CoMmandfHgJkc Tnoto 4th December, 1940. ('"'"^ andlobago). • Not printed.