Dutch Bast Indies: U.S. Pilots 2698/ 2 /k A.2^1^ /*••¦ ^7 Ko. 1057. BHITI3H k*b*88Y. WAOhiKGTOfi. D. C. . December Uth, 1%0. My Lord, I here the honour to inform you that according to information received from the heval Attache" to the :;etherl&nda Legation, three United states naval pilots have left the United states for the Irutch Kaat Indies to act as instructors to the Netherlands forces, and that a further eight pilot* will he leaving shortly for th* same purpose. Although they are ncval pilots they are going as oiviliana. They expect to be stationed at Jourabaya for two years. Captair Ranceft also stated that the Jietherlands Government are purchasing a total of 300 aircraft from thr. United states, including 36 ?• 3. Y* s, snd tnat they expect the delivery of the latter to start in June or possibly earlier* 3« Z am sending copies of this despatch to the Uigh Commissioners for th^ United Kingdom in the Corimonwealth of Australia and la fcew Zealand. C/o the dominions Office* I have ths honour to be, with the highest respectt Uy i^ord. Your lo rdship's most obt-dlent, humble servant. (?or t«e Arabassador) (SOD) B. «. BUTUiR The Kight Honourablo The Viscount Halifax. K.O.. etc., etc.. etc., FRHM:AR:HK