^7 reoember 13th, 1940. -A Dear Mr. secretary, In his letter of December 7th regarding the proposed American bases in Trinidad, the Ambassador enclosed four memoranda which had been prepared by Sir Hubert Young, the Governor of Trinidad. At the request of the Governor, I now send you an extract from his despatch of October 2Pnd last to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in which he summarised the objections which were felt to Che proposals of the United States authorities and pointed out the advantages of the alternative scheme of establishing the United tates base in the reclaimed Caroni area. This extract, Sir Hubert Young feels,succinctly summarises the points which he made at the meeting/ The Honourable Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United states, V. ashing ton, D. C. .' NM3 : FRHM : MAB - 2 meeting on December 6th and it may therefore be useful to the United states authorities in their consideration of the problem. Believe me, Dear Mr. Secretary, Very sincerely yours, (3(H)) M.M. BUrLKK