mm December 13, 1940. Dear Mr. Butler: I enclose In triplicate draft leases covering the proposed United Otates bases in Bermuda, Jamaica, /*nti^uaf ^t. Lucia,, and Britinh Guiana. It will be noted that no draft leases are included for Trinidad and the Bahamas; these matters will be aealt with later- Mr. belles handed the Ambassador a draft lease for the bases in Newfoundland some week3 ago. You will understand that as stipulated in these drafts, the final lease will Include an exact description of the metes and bounds as determined by actual survey; and each lease will have attached to and made a part of it a map showing, the exact areas covered by the lease. In o£der to expedite matters, however, it seems to me that it would be desirable for our Govern- ments to proceed with a consideration of these leases at the earliest practicable date- We shall, therefore, be glad to receive the comments of your Oovemnent on each of these drafts and to discuss them with representatives of your Kmbassy. Sincerely yours, James Clement Dunn Adviser on Political Relations Enclosures: Draft leases