Department of £tato Weenington December 13, 1940. S My dear Mr. Cbargtf d'Affalress j The receipt la acknowledged of your letter of // '. Novemoer 22, 1940. encloalng a achedule describing the areas and facilities propoaed to be granted to the United States for bases In Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, St* Lucia, and Brltlah Guiana. Your letter <*onr'onteermuda/ [OVER. - 2 - Bermuda It la noted that the schedule. In sub-paragraph (e), reade as follows| "The question of the grant of minor facilities affecting an Island or Islands In the Great Sound Is still under consid- eration." It is balleved that the following would be a clearer statement of the present status t "The question of the grant of facilities affecting an Island or Islands In the Great Sound for the operation of seaplanes Is still under consideration." I am unable to agree that the proposed seaplane bese of the United States In Bermuda can be described as the grant of "minor facilities". In sub-paragraph (a) presumably the reference to "Rofe's Bay" should be changed to "Richardson's Hay", and In sub-paragraph (b) "Riga's Bay" should bo changed to "Higg's bay". The bahamaa The schedule falls to mention an area of one and one-half square miles which we desire to Include In the lease for the acquisition of landing fields. It Is therefore suggested t int t e following statement be added to the schedulei "An area of about one and one-half square miles for use as a landing field, to be located after an engineering reconnaissance. Jamaica The word "of" In sub-paragraph (b) should be changed to "and". The sentence would then read as followss "Land area to Include Ooat Island and the adjacent Ceys, and approximately thirty- three square mllas In and east of Oa'leon Harbor.* - IOVI-R. In sub-paragraph (c) the word "Bight" should be changed to "Ridge11, and "Portland Island" should be changed to "Pigeon Island"• In sub-paragraph (d) It Is suggested that the figure "100 acres" be chsnged to "226 acres" to con- form to the larger area desired and Included In the draft letters, ' British Guiana It Is suggested that sub-paragraph (a) be changed to read as followsj "An aerodrome on the Bank of the River Demerara twenty-five miles up with emergency patrol plena fncllltlea." The reason for t:ie suggested change Is that the present wording gives the Impression that this Installation Is primarily a seaplane base, whereas actually It will be s land plane base with emergency patrol plane facilities. I am happy to note your assurance that ths suthorl- tles of your Government are agreeable that work should be begun by the American authorities without delay on all the sites the locations of which have alrendy been agreed upon and which are set forth in ths schedule enclosed with your letter under reference* It is my understa ding that this statement in this regard Is a formal assurance tnat work oaa be commenced Immediately on the above-mentioned sites without waiting for the signature of a lease for the property Involved, and that this statement further constitutes s formal as- surance that the British authorities concerned will acqulrs the properties on which the construction Is started and will subsequently lease them to the Govern- ment of the United States In accordance with the pro- visions of ths basic exchange of notes of September 2, 1940, It is further my understanding that If condemna- tion proceedings are required In any of the areas designated the appropriate British authorities Imme- diately will Institute such proceedings• It is un- derstood that meanwhile the Jnlted ftates authorities shall/ 4 ¦hall bo free to proceed with construction without delay. I have noted the statement that it la the wish of your Government that, if possible, any major con- struction work In connection with the proposed base In Antigua should be postponed until June, 1941* In your letter of November 21 th, you add that a further communication from London makes It clear that in the meantime the Governor has no oojectlon whatever to any preliminary operations on the proposed air base being begun forthwith. It la believed that the minor facilities now planned for Immediate installation will not fall in the category of major work and will not upset the local labor market. In any event It la considered that the employment of local and Imported labour on all work can be handled to the complete satisfaction of the Governor. As you know, the President Is keenly desirous that all of the negotiations in respect to sites and leases for t'ese bases should be carried to a success- ful conclusion as soon as possible. V.lth that In view I have designated an Informal committee to handle these negotiations consisting of the following t Mr. James Clement Eunn, Mr. Green H. Hackworth, and Mr. John Hlckeraon# of the Apartment of State; Captain R. E. Schuirmann of the United States Navy, and Lieutenant Colonel R. W. Crawford of the United States Army. It occurs to me that It might facilitate the conduct Of the negotiations If you designated officials of your Embassy to confer with this Informal committee. I am, my dear r. uutler. Sincerely y urs, ( i^ned) C0RI3ELL HiLL