$CU.c. December 82nd, 1940 A44raiti! io -*orelga ofrio* t«i. no. of :;*eeea>er &\>%n repeated by air Mil io dersuda, .aaa«iuiann, ;Vinitiad» Newfoundland, : o^ander- in-;hief est indies. Your telegram So. 9119. tteereenry of tote r*ae now sent eje letter replying lo «y letter of »ov«aeor FS*nd in which X forwarded a 11 at of the area* which ii*a tajeety'e Qimsi«fll had agreed ehould be leaned to the United tetoe ,'oy.roaeol (copy of iay Utter was encloeed In my doepatefc Ao*10 Q of IS v«*<*r Sflnd.) Although 1 had been given io uodevatand that the definition of iheae arena way, vitn ttw execution of one paragraph regarcins aenaude eoc one ysragre;>n con earning eritleh auiane, acceptable io the flawy >.«i>art*«nt, tttate J^erteieat now reqaeat that vhe following elterutloae be madaa- (»; aonauda. la addition to pointing out thai the question* anion la etill under dlacuaaioa* of the granting of f tollmen in the Oreot /Ount. cannot too regarded aa one connected with the grant of "i*inor feciiitiee*» the iatc ^eaartMut euugeet that referoaen la aub-p^rwara^h (a; to ".lofo'a oeyw ehould he changed to ¦ Icbnrdeon'a ->uy " and reforence in euu-puragreph (to) to «igg*e any* ehould he enengec to hlg^'e .iey* (aeo in thie connexion your telegram No* (to) Xhe Jahaaaa. State *pert»ent aui<;est that la order to provide for the locluaion la th-; leaned area of 1* eqaere oil* a which it la chaired to uaa far a landing field* the following ei»«eev-nt be aoued to the eehednle "an area of about lK equere alloc for uaa aa a landing field* to be located after aa engineering reeoaaeieeeAce'** (o) Jennie*. In sub-paragraph (b) the *ord "of" after '-eye' ahoulti be changed to "and" ae an t> *a±a the eeatenee ran aa followet *^ano area to include ioet laland and the adjacent aya, and approximately S3 aQuare uUlea la anc eaat of Walloon -.arbour", in eub-p« r eg r eph/ 9 Mb^yumgrftpH (•; the word "oigbt* nnould be changed to ** idgo* aad >rtlwnd iei*«d" ehoald ue ati«nti«o to Vlgeoa ialead". la eub-permgraph id; cue figure "1 " acren ohouid be oheogod to l •be let nw "V.n evrvcrofli* M me wo* of ths Ivor raaerora »6 iUX«* up, with eacraeaay petrol plena faalU /he .ropoeed re-*ordiog for aritleh QeUeae hea alreaoy been approved (aac yow telce-rata lew SMS; and in a tele epartaieat'n flret point regarding denauda eaa be dealt with in the dincueeioaa aboiu the oreat ;;ound vhleh we hope shortly to nave with the oajricen ;ai*rdtipyr wU '^aaltkoa* 1 ehoold, however be tflac to kaov whether thaee reualala* geographical eugft-oetljae aade by the t»te pertaeni eaa be agreed to. ieerwtery of >tate'c letter goee on to a ay that 11 la hta underet*ndln£ that the elate* aeat la ay latter of ****veaoor Qftnc that the Britiah autto ritlee agreed that work should be befcun withmt further delay on all the eitee» the location* of which had been agreed upon, "la a foraal eeaurenee that work eaa be coemeaooa 1st edlately on the above-niwtion o altea without waiting for the eidnature of the leoae* for the property involved, end tbat uhie ateteaent further conetlttttee a fomal aaeuraace that the drltleh euthoritlee cone*rood will acquire th« pro^ertlee on which the conetruetloa la atertod aac will aubaa-^uontly l«aao then to the Bnitod vtatea Oov roseat io uocordanee vlth the proviolooa of th