Br. Interests in Guadeloupe & Martinique! ----¦--ZZ< 239/ / /41 No. 27 ^667/4/40 10th January 1941, Sir, With reference to my telegram Mo. 2728 of the 18th November about the supervision of British interests in Guadeloupe, I have the honour to report that it is expected that an American Vice- Consulate will shortly be opened in Guadeloupe and that I have arranged with the state Department that when this takes place the American Vice-Consul will undertake the charge of British interests. in the meantime the United states Consul in Martinique has undertaken the formal protection of British inter- ests in Guadeloupe. 2. The United states Consul in martini que has established a channel of communication with His .Majesty's Consul at Guadeloupe and has received information that the latter hus removed his resi- dence to the intex'ior of the island but that he is . allowed freedom to uove about and attend to his fc*1 * I ljuo private business. I enclose a copy of a letter dated the 29th November from His Majesty's Consul to the United states Vice-consul in Martinique which I obtained through the courtesy of the State / Departmentf and a copy of a letter which I have asked the itate department to have transmitted to His .ajesty's Consul. it will be seen that the latter is anxious about his own personal position and I venture to suggest that any instructions which you may have to send him aight bo transmitted to me for forwarding through the above-mentioned channel. I have the honour to be, with the hi iciest respect, Sir, Your moat obedient, humble servant, IK The Right Honourable Anthony liden, M.C.» 'JPm, etc., etc. , etc. FRHM:AR:KIP PHH;.::AR