/U Treaties: Anglo, U.S. Peace Commission 200/ ^ /41 V -------¦-___ bKITISB EKBA6SY, So. 29. - WASKISOTCWi D. C. 18th January, 1941. sir. I havo the honour to acknowledge tho receipt of your note of tho 7th January informing n© that the troaty between Kew Zealand and the United states of America signed on the 6th September last, amending in their application to New Zealand certain provislona of the treaty for the advancement of peaoe between the United Kingdom and the United States of wopt&mber 16th, 1914, had been ratified on the part of the United states. Z am informing lis Majesty's Government in :;ew Iceland accordingly end am requesting inotructiona regarding the exchange of ratificationa of this treaty. I have the honour to be, with the hlgheet consideration, sir. Your most obedient, humble servant, (SOD) H. BUTLFJU The Honourable corcioll Kull# Secretary of State of the United states% Washington, D. C. '.VGK:AR:HE.