Treaties: Anglo, U.S. Peace Commission £00/ ilO. 74. BKITISR EMBASSY, WAhHIKGTCN, D. C. 18th January, 1941* sir, ".Yith reference to »y despatch i.c» 1075 of iti/^/Vothe 12th :;eeeraber regarding the ratification of the treaty alined at 'nshincton on the Cth of September last between the vnited • tatca on the one hand and anada, Australia and New Zealand on the other, ajaendin*; the treaty for the advancement of peace between tbo United States and the United Kln£dotn of the loth September, tMttg I have the honour to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note from the Secretary of tat. informing nte that he is prepared to proceed to the exchange of ratiflcatione of the treaty between Sew Zealand and the Jolted states. I shall be grateful to receive Instructions in due couroo regarding the exchange of ratifications of this treaty v;GE:AR:KE. The Right Honourable Anthony Eden, K.C.,M.P. .A^ etc. etc. etc. I have the honour to be, with the hicheat roepeot, ~ir, - . . Your r-oot obedient, c runhle servant, (SGD) N. BUTLER.