z o < cn I i- z LJ E tr 5 u m o H O z I- o z k L hi (fa MOST SECRET, I agree with Mr. Peake's observations and I would regard this mainly as a colossal piece of window dressing which would appeal to the President and probably to the majority of the American people, especially if the President agrees to take one or two prominent Republicans with him. But it is going to be extremely difficult to arrange the meeting and to synchronize the a rivals of the tv/o principal participants It is a bad time of the year to reach New- foundland (which I would certainly prefer to Iceland) especially for the P.M. It is not unusual for aircraft to be kept waiting at Botwood for the best part of a week before being able to take off, and I under- stand that they have to attain a height of 25,OOu ft. in the first few hundred miles. It will-be a tiring and risky journey for the P.M. and his colleagues and, even after the meeting, they might be detained for another week before they could start back, and the time thus occupied might prove to be one of the most critical periods in our history. The question I would therefore ask is whether the real results of the meeting as contrasted with the psychological results, would justify the undertaking? It is certainly not worth risking a fiasco.