March 11, 1941. / My dear Mr, President: I represent on behalf of the(Royal Greek Government, pureufint to Sections 4 and 7 of the Aot of March 11, 1941, that: 1) Every contract or agreement for the disposition of any defonse article or defence information, pursuant to Section 3 of the Act of March 11, 1941, to the Royd Groekm>vernmont shall fee deemed to include a clause that the .Royal Greek Government will not, without your consent, or the consent of someone designated by you for that purpone, under the Act, transfer title to or possession of suoh defense article or defense information by gift, sale, or other- wise, or permit its use by anyone not an officer, employee or agent of the Hovel Qceok Government; and 2) If, as a result of the transfer to the Roys! Greek Government of any defense articles or defense information, it Is necessary, pursuant to Section 7 of the Aot of March 11, 1941, fully to protect the rij^its of any citizen of the United States, who has patent rirhts in and to any such defense article or information, the Royal Greek Government will do so, when so requested by you or your designee for that purpose. ^ y v Very truly yours, C. Diamantopoulos, Minister of CSroece. She President of the United States, White House.