J Lease Lend Bill 302//^ /41 Haroh 26th 1941. 3oi.r ::r. '.otinc ::oorotary» In Lord Halifax's absence. I write to inforn you that we have received a telecrun fron the Prime i'inistor of Sew riOQland asking ttet the onoloaed resolution. passed at a meeting hold in '..ellin^ton on 5'^rch 10th» should be transnittod tc the President. I should therefore bo ("ratoful if the text of this resolution rsicht be co:r.unicated to the President in due course* Believe Mi i;ear ;:r. Act lag Secretary, Very sincerely yourst Sd. N. Butler. The Honourable 3unner ..clles, _____ nC3 Acting Secretary of ^tate of the United states. 4 Resolution passed on Maroh 16th at Wellington* Hew Zealand, That the Prime Minister be requested by this meeting to forward the following cable message to the President of the United States of America: "Mass Meeting of citizens assembled at Town Hall convened by British-American co-operation movement expressing deep and sincere gratitude to Your Kxcellency and people of United States for the assistance to Britain and Allied Democracy culminating in aid to Britain Act. Hislop, Mayor."