At this critical moment In the Mediterranean compel ;n when the lestlnies of 3yria and I ranoh Borth Africa are at lUMi !-ls wa\jMw7*t Government akc a new appeal to the r*ench Oovcrment to Join with them in repelling tha danger before it is toe la to, and in seizin" on opportunity wMci. ma, never re our. The threat to Syria is new Imminent; that to ;orth Africa and -eat Africa hardly less so* Pressure upon Spain is increasing and we understand that the ronoh Government may expect a request for passage of orman forcea aero so unoccupied .ranee to the Spanish frontier. Unless these throats are resisted and these requests refused, and if .ronoh 'overomsnt allow the "ercmna or Italians to use these territories for operations agalnat ourselves, .ranee will have been forced from capitulation to collaboration end from collaboration to participation in the war and will euf:er from loth aides aal gain nothing* Such particl tion would constitute a departure from the condition of paasive capitulation in which ranco receive-! from us our guarantee to restore her Independence and greatness* it would be impossible for us to maintain in any respeot the distinction we have hitherto drawn between unoccupiod and occupied .ranco in the e..ecuti of our military and economic plans* If on the other hand the reneh Government would effectively resist these encroachments we should give them the utmost aeelstaoce in our power* It should be possible to hold Syria against any foreoa /which which the Axis could bring a,Tain at it In the near future* French and British fleets acting together in the Eastern Mediterranean could out the Axis comunications with Africa and siake a descent upon 3;*ria a natter of grave hazard to the uiiawQ and invaluable bases would be avalJable to us. ,-fench rosiatonce and renewed ranco British collaboration would go far to prevent the dangers w: ich the .ronch at present rear* BRITISH BaSASST, ¦ASHinOTQK, D.C. 89th April, 1941