ECR Hla Majesty's nbostedor has boon instructed to r^uest the United ^tatea Government to be so good as to tr nsmit through the United states 'nbossador in Vichy the attached message fron ::is Majesty's Government to the Froneh Government. Ilia Majesty*a Government regard it aa noat important that the message ahould be delivered to !'i:rshal retain personally; they do not consider that any uaeful purpose would be served by ita tranardasion to .dniral Dorian. III8 Majesty fs Government have been r^oved to make this approach to the French Govern, ent by the apparent inability of the Frenoh authorities to arrest the Oer.ian infiltration into Morth frica and by the rossibility that the Frenoh Government nay be constrained to allow Ooman troopa to p«sa through unocoupied France on their way to Spa^n. It ia understood tlu.t the United otate3 Government have alao received information to this offeet. Ilia liajosty's Government are alao preoccupied by the imminence of throats to .Syria. In this situation His Majesty's Govornrient feel bound to make .a further effort to stiiculate tho French Government and the Fronoh overaeaa territories to moke un effort of resistance boforo it ia too late. The r.essegB fron Ilia Majesty's Government to the Frenoh Government represents all that the Uritish authorities thenselvos are rble to do in order to arrest the deterioration in the Frenoh situation* Hia Majesty's Gov m^ant would greatly value anything that the United 3tates/ States Government could eay to the French Govern: .©at fron ther selves rnd Any steps that they oould take* The United States Government mm 3peefc with authority at Vichy ni oxerciso sreat influence on the French Governnent. They have a special Interest in French North rnd est Africa and His Majesty's Govornnent f< el that they alone can Sfivo the situation there. His Majesty's Govcranent have :otod with uoh appreoi't' the dtops which the United states Governnent have been taking r.t Vichy to move the French Governnent from their attitude of passive aoouiesoeace and they hope that the /.nerloan authorities v.ill persevere in these efforts. Indeed His ifajosty's Oovernr.ont hope t&t the United States Government will feel i.ble to go further and to arrange for none units of the United States Fleet to visit Dakar and Casablanon. Such visits, which should have a steadying effect on the situation* would be In line with the proposed visits of certain United States warships to the Portuguese Atlantic Islands. In r.ny case. His Majesty's Governnent truat that the United states Government will be prepared to instruct their A nbasssdor when conrcunleatlng the British neusage to Marshal Petaln. to Dake It clear th- t they themselves entirely share the sentiments which have inspired this message. Such an indication of the v'ews of the United States Goverr.nent would be of great value. ;.s soon ss His :*ijesty's Government now thiit Ui-rshol/ Bmfeftl Fetain hi-a received the nesaa^e they propose to r.rrange for copies of it to be conveyed to General ey&m& and General Dontz» They nould also propose to infom the Turkioh Govornnent of the nesacig*) nod would hold theneelvoa free to publish the giat of it*