z < CO I z UJ t E m g z X H o z V/GH:GA H. E, will perhaps be able to take of a conversation with Mr. Hull or Welles to raise this point, 2. It is perhaps just worth recording that Mr. Adams of the Far Eastern Division of the State Department said yesterday that his, and apparently the Division's, preliminary re- action about the affect of the Russian war on the Par East was that it should make it possible to "freeze" Japan in their present position. She would not wish to start an adventure to the South when the possibilities of an attack on the I.aritime provinces in Siberia seem^good. On the other hand it should be possible to pre- vent her making such an attack by keeping her guessing as to our intentions. We ought to start putting pressure on her aj|r Indo-China and elsewhere to make her thinR^if she attacked Russia she would expose her rear* When I asked Mr. Adams whether the Department were con- sidering any concrete steps to this end he re- plied in the negative. He. Lx bf. UL srtt- h HJl cv A. 40 "bf H-ttYlv(j7-c/^ . • "8 ho.