Minutes. Mr. Hoyeri^kr Copy to:- Admiral Little. N.I.D. 18. Z o < 0) — I H Z UJ CD O © z I H O z I was informed by the Director of U.S. Naval Intelligence this afternoon that it is the considered opinion of the Navy Depart- ment that Japan will make a decisive move with- in two weeks. This opinion has been formed as a result of the following indications:- held (1) At the meeting at Tokio yesterday/by the Emperor, the heads of the Navy and Army were present, as well as the Cabinet Ministers. Uniform was worn, the Emperor himself wearing naval uniform. This is reported as £ very rare event. (2) From an authoritative source at New York it is learned that instructions were given on July 1st to all Japanese ships on the East coast of America to leave the Atlantic, starting on July 16th via the jftanama Canal on a schedule of one ship per day. (3„) Madame Chiang Kai Chek told Mr. Currey . that Generalissimo Chiang Kai Chek *±±1 t-^U* attack Russia within two weeks. It is further rumoured from Los Angeles that Japanese ships there are under orders to sail. The Navy Department considers there is no indication as to whether the Japanese Fleet will move North or South, but that it is disposed so as to do either. They also consider that the Army in Manchuria does not look strong enoiagh for a major effort and it is more disposed for de- fence than offence. There is also a rumour that the Japanese ambassador Nomura is packing his bag. Navy Department has picked on July 20th as being probable date of Japanese move. N.A. 3/7/41