The Urited Kingdom authorities are contemplating the possibility of taking the following measures in the event of a Japanese move in southern Irdo-China:- (1) Prohibition of Japanese ships loading iron ore, etc, off the coast of Malaya by night. Such measures which it may be necessary to enforce on defence grounds even if no move is made by the Japanese against Indo-China in the near future would, incidentally, greatly reduce the exports to Japan of iron ore from the Japanese mines in Malaya* (2) Denunciation of the Anglo-Japanese commercial treaty. Action in this sense would follow the precedent set by the United otates Government. (3) The closure of the Japanese Consulate General at Singapore. In view of the likelihood of retaliation, it is not contemplated that this step should be adopted at once; the matter is, however, being studied further. (k) Restrictions on exports to Japan. (5) Restrictions on imports from Japan. July 14th, 1941. FRHM:HK