V SFH:BO MINUTE SHEET. Reference... Sir Ronald Campbell MOST SECRET SECRET (JOI6) W( 28899/I0*J 2.7SO.OO0 3/40 6PL 51/5059 (REGIMINT) CODE 5-J4-0 I had a long conversation with the Vice-President this afternoon about his Committee on Scononic Defense. He referred to the Far East and said that he had some weeks ago given a good deal of personal attention to maintaining tight economic pressure, because he had become suspicious that Mr. Hull was being "led up the garden path" by the Japanese and that there was a risk of Mr. Hull persuading the President to weaken with Tokyo. He told me with great frankness that he had this morning carefully tested out the President to see if he could detect any weakening in the President's mind with regard to the secret political discussions nov; going forward. He said that he personally was satisfied that, so far as the President was concerned, there was no weakening at all and that he had formed the view that Mr. Hull was^aware of the pitfalls that might be set about his feet. tfH. usf. +~ &a ***** ^ [OVER