Manpower from U.S. \ G.208/ 3.^ /41 2nd October, 1941 Doa: *-MrvOrdway, I am sorry that I have not written to you before about the proposals which we dis- - jn cus3ed here on September 17th, and I an afraid that I still have very little to tell you. Your proposals are bsln^ actively discussed, both v/ith the British authorities concerned and also v/ith the United States officials who have been kind enough tc help ua in the natter. V/e hope to be able to put your ideas into effect as part of a general scheme for utilizing the services of United States citizer.a who have volunteered for work in England. The scheme as a whole is principally declined bo meet the case of persons with technical qualifications; but as a result of your suggestions we are hoping to create a section for non-skilled or semi-skilled men. As soon as this has been decided in principle v/e shall be writing to you again, and wo shall then very much hope to have your assistance in setting up the machinery and getting it to work. Yours sincerely, ¦ 0. Hayter. "r. J. A. Ordway; 2nd, Elliott K. 53,' Cambridge, Massachusetts. FRHM:WGH :HS