Minutes. SECRET z I < X Z u t tt: hi to O H z i o z Points which Y.B« may wish to raise with Mr. Hull are: 1. M. Maisky has for a second time urged to Mr. Eden the necessity for a stern warning to Japan by the U.S. and ourselves. We are quite ready to give such a warning at the same time as the U.S. if they 30 desire. What are Mr. Hull's views? 2. Are there any other steps, apart from a warning, which Mr. Hull would suggest to deter Japan from attacking Siberia? 3. Has Mr. Hull anything further to say on action contemplated by the U.S. in the event of a Japanese attack on Siberia (cf. his reirark about "further naval blockade measures")? k> Has General Tojo's Government yet made any approach about the continuance of the conversations? MKD:HK October 27th, 1%1. r