/Leu, fo** ci.j[ Extract from Minutes of Meeting of British Joint Staff Mission held on Tuesday, November 4th 1941 (M,M.(41 _3Gth Meeting;)_ l. British r^QUir^:u;TS for t^chkxcal o??ic2h3 tap;: THE UKIT3D STATES. (Previous Reference: 11.::. (41) 25th Meet inf.:, ETnute 1). QUI. (41) 199). TIE COMMITTEE had before the a Note by "Ir, Cribbet of the Royal Air Force Delegation (L.:;.(41) 199), MR. CRIB3ETT explained that with regard to the technical officers required for the fighting services, the Service Departments had agreed chat these officers could be commissioned into the British fi-htin^ services, and paid at Canadian rates of pay. However, while the Admiralty v;ere prepared to grant comissions on entry in the rani: of Acting Lieutenant at the rate of $5 a day, the Army and the Royal Air For?.2 were only prepared to commission these officers into "no lowest ranks; and it was therefore doubtful vhetiu-, in view of the low pay which they would receive, many volunteers v/ould be forthcoming. In the course of discussion, difficulties were foreseen in view of the anomalies in pay which would arise should these American technical officers be paid at Canadian rates, whereas American volunteers serving as operational pilots in the Royal Air Force were only being paid at British rates. It was felt that this difficulty might to some extent be overcome if only the comparable British rates were actually paid to the technical officers, while the difference between these and the Canadian rates could be credited to them in the United States. With reference to the existing British- recruited Civilian Technical Corps, MR. CRIBBBTT explained that about 700 had already been recruited, and that it was hoped that the United States would set up an American-recruited Civilian Technical Corps, to whom more attractive rates of pay would be offered. In this event, it was probable that most of the original British-recruited Civilian Technical Corps *7ould wish to turn over to the American organisation. With regard to the recruitment of technical officers, Mr. Cribbett proposed:- (a) That for the defence forces (Annex "A11 to M.U.(41) 199), the following procedure should be adopted:- (i) Pursue the possibility of direct recruitment" into the three British Services through the medium of the Clayton Knight Committee. (ii) Establish the true nature of the "Conant" scheme, and if suitable nake further use of it to supplement (i) above if necessary. (iii) If (i) and (ii) above did not have the desired effect, then an approach should be made to the U.S. authorities, with the suggestion that ;m officer section of the American- recruited Civilian Technical Corps should be created, if and when this organisation was set up. (b) Txhat for the Surely Departments (Annex 11BM to Li.!;.(41) 199) an officer section of the Civilian Technical Corps, referred to in (a)(iii) above, should be the first line of approach; and that if this did not materialise, it would be necessary to explore the possibility of obtaining civilians^of the required professions. THS COlU ilTTEiS: - Invited Mr. Cribbett, in consultation as necessary with the ot.ier Departments, to pursue the matter on the lines set out above. -2