HtfTISH ELBAS3Y *A3nn;o'rcNt d. c, November 14thf 1941. Dear ~ir i?*rank, Since my arrival here I have indeed had a busy time from eerly looming until late at night and ;i-et with the most overwhelming kindness - to such an extent that I am quite unable to fulfill ell the engagements which are suggested. I am now spending a few days in Washington and have already, at the request of the Departiuent of Labour here, spent u morning with the ,oi.en»s Bureau, discussing our vork and training and re^etration, in which every- one is taking the greatest possible Interest. Later thla morning, ?,'iss Perkins hca asked z.e to address the National conference of Labour Legis- lators. Yesterday I had the gr':at pleasure of lunching with Lars. Roose- velt at the tfhite House. flhilo here, I have been working with Ui >s KeOeachy who, as you will know, is the i-ublic Keletions officer for the Ministry of economic Warfare attached to the iiabassy, and has many useful contacts in this country. Yesterday she took me to meet Mr. Hayter of the Embassy in connection with an offer which has cor-o from undergraduates at Harvard University, and from a group of Social Workers, to give their services to Groat Britain during the war. I understand that Mr. Cribbet of the R. A. F. Delegation took homo e statement about these proposals at the end of September end that iir. Karkham of our Ministry of Labour is exa/dning these proposals. There appear to be two suggestions ns to where their services might be used; a) The creation of a non-skilled section of the Civilian Technical corps of people who would be prepared to do semi-okillad work, such aft dock construction. b) To work in Civilian Defonce. In connection with the latter, I have sent a note to 2JT. Herbert Lx>rrison. - 2 - If It wus felt by our Mniatry that t:*ey could be useful in doing any fora of serd-skillod labour, I think the jr-bessy would like to have word ca soon us possible rie^^^G this. Kiss ^icCeachy, who has travelled a good deal throughout the country has herself hud nur-ir.ers of offers froia truined people to help in this way but has felt obliged to clatip down these ouggf-utlona becuuse there sooted to be no .* cheese Into ./hich they could be fitted. It is desirable that some lichens should bo evolved as quickly as ; osaible, ovon if the number of people who nitsht offer is at first quite small. In particular, . lea UeOeachy advises toe that we should accept offers of services from social workers as they have in general been inclined to be pacifist, i ofisibly our own welfare Departi-ent nigjit think of scue scheue to uso e United nuuber of social workers in connection with the carried wonen who are now entering into Industry. I have sent a cablegram to :.iss Fraser asking her to see that the Departiaent of Labour here receives all our re^-ul^r literature end any statements which we are able to send thea on the progress of wocen's work in the industrial war effort. I an hoping to visit soue of the big aircraft factories while Z en Ijesja end see sot* of the work ;uncrican Bccen are doing in their defence pro gran, Yours over, Sir ?renk TrlXe, C. 3., Deputy •secretary, i^inistry of Lubour, St. Jsiues Square, London, S. W. 1.