81 Ki. MUMIT Wrap J. ITO ». BiMK. ft- The Bating was convened for the purpose of dlsoncslng the adoption of e policy by the O.PJJ. I obour Supply Coasdttee which eould assist la scouring rearuite for the C.T.C. urre; ito ell ralyesj I I MMMi u J Ml pMMi crsrhaeiesd that the leployoDnt Fxohang© r»ohin«ry wee oakinc a cos»eratively trifling contribution* !T. Cribbott stated the general policy lying behind the do aire of the British Coverrjaent to recruit skilled tech nicians In the Itaited states, enrhasieing In perticvlar the Importance of the tie* factor of this problea. Detailed particulars were given of the waters recvlred and the various trades, and it was suggested, for the OQJwrt deration of the Cosadttee, that they should concentrate on securing the technicians required from the field of the less essential industries, and encroach aa little as possible on the Industries which were being asked to produce skilled labour in ooanoetlon with The wage position was also discussed at coac length and Mr. A.F. enrio: s, Assistant Cosadssioner of Labour StaUsties,undertook to sake enquiries in connection with the Question raised by Wr. M Cloy at the mating with hla oonoernlns the appropriate wage to offer in order to Induce volunteers to ocas forward, A sjnejber of questions were by nenbera of the Cosadttee about )abour su;-ply and training r-rcbleas in the Initod and it was quite clear that the wasting were sect arodous to render all possible to us In furthering our object. The Chalman finally suggested to the seating that they should first quic ly deteraine what waa to be their general policy of ass'stance, including methods of publicity, sources of supply, eta. Concurrently with this Mr. Kenrieka *euld his eaqsjlrlaa into the wage position.