11th December, 1041. Ky dear Welles, I have Just had a tolegras from the Foreign Office in which they wish the Stato Oepartment to bo informed for their secret and confidential information of the following:- His "ajesty's Government have learnt from several independent sources in confirmation of previous reports that Vichy has agreed to hand over Horth African bases to the Remans and has alsp agreed to certain arrangements for transport of German troops. Their information, which is fairly extensive, goes to show that Hitler is very probably contemplating large scale operations in the Vediterranean. The plan is believod to Include a request to the Spanish Government for permission for the passage of important contingents of German troops and also of v/ar material across Spain to North Africa as well as a sea borne expedition to Oran from Marseilles. His Majesty's Government believe the \ichy Government to have acquiosced in these arrangements, but have no firm information about the attitude of the Spanish Bovernment. Yours very sincerely,