E WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON December 14, 1941 My dear Halifax: Here Is a rtraft Mt*a message to General Chiang Kai-Shek and a«cftNaft-pJ' a similar message from me to Kr. Stalin. They are self-explanatory. I hope you will ask London if they will go ahead with the holding of the Singapore confer- ence and also instruct your people in Chungking and Moscow to take part in the proposed meetings as soon pb they are held by Chiang Kai-Shek and Stalin. I assume, of course, that Australia and New Zealand will be represented in Singapore. Always sincerely, The Right Honorable the Viscount Halifax, K. G., The British Ambassador, Washington, D. C. THK PRKSlDlflrr 10 THK USmatAUsSlUOT In my Judgment it la of the highest importance that immediate stops be taken to prepare the way for our ooanon action against out enemy. To this end I respectfully suggest that you call a joint military conference to take place in Chungking not later than December seventeenth to exchange information and to consider the Military and naval action particularly in oaetern Asia, which nay moat effectively bo employed to ¦as—pi 1 eh the defeat of Japan and her allies. I suggest that the conferees consist of representatives of China, Great Britain, the witch. United States and the U.S.S.K., and I an prepared to designate at once Major General George H. Brett aa representative^ of the United States assisted by Brigadier General John Uagruder. It ia my thought that this conference arrive at a concrete preliminary plan and that this plan be communicated in the greatest confidence to mm by Saturday, ueeember twentieth* Zt should also be communicated by the Hussion, British and witch representatives in the utmost secrecy to their respective Governments. while your preliminary conference ia mooting in Chungking, I am asking the British to hold a military and naval conference in binge pore to include Chinese, American and Dutch offioera and report operational plana aa they see the situation in the southern tone, I am also asking Mr. Stalin to talk with Chinese, American and 3* tHK PftKSlUWf tU THIS OflltglT.Iftliat) (cont) British representatives in Moscow and lot me have his views from the Northern viewpoint. these estimates and recommendations will give all of ns equally a good picture of our joint problem. Z venture to hope that these preliminary conferences especially that in Chungking may lead to the establishment of a permanent organisation to plan and direct our joint efforts* X am working hard on continuing our contribution to your supplies and am trying to increase It* I send you my very warm personal regards* - THl PRiSSlDOIT TO MR. ST ALU i la my judgment it is of the utmost importance that immediate stop* bo taken to prepare the way for common action not merely for the next few week* bat also for the permanent defeat of hitleriam. I very men wioh that you and 2 could meet to talk thie over personally. But because that is impossible at the moment I am seeking to initiate three preliminary moves which I hope will be preparatory to a more permanent Joint planning* first, I am suggesting to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Aek that ho call a conference immediately in Chungking consisting of Chinese, Soviet British, Dutch and American representatives. Thie group would moot not later that December seventeenth and report to their respective Governments in the greatest confidence by Saturday, December twentieth* this would give us the preliminary picture of the Joint problem from the angle of Chungking* Second, I am asking the British to assemble a military-naval conference In Singapore, reporting by Saturday the twentieth principally from the operational angle in the southern zone. Third, X would be very happy if you personally would talk with American, British and Chinese representatives in vosoow and let mo have /our suggestions as to the whole picture by Saturday the twentieth. Fourth, I am during this coming week covering the same ground with British Missions here and will send you the general picture from Ma w* vmatuxrr 10 a*, otaum (oont) this end. I have had • good talk with Litvinev and I fully appreciate all of yew iaaodlate preblofii• Again I want to toll you of the roml enthueiaaa throughout tho United statoa for tho progree* your amlee oro aaklng in the dofonoo of Jww groat nation. X venture to hopo that tho nrolljBinary 0 nforoneoa I .have outlinedfor thit coming nook amy load to tho oatabllohaont of a ¦oro pomonont organisation to plan our of forte. Bopkine and I aond our vara poraonal regarda.