I gave Mr.Welles today a copy of the aide-memoire giving the estimate from London of probabilities of German action in Spain. I have not got a copy of the telegram. 18th December,1941 i 7 articuQ©/ Tho following la a paraphrase of a telegran referring to tho t«losrm tho substance of which was contained In tho secret and personal letter from Ix>rd ?Inlifax to Itr, vrelloe of 11th Pocombert- Iteports about the wooting between t'archal Potain and Serine ere a till Inconclusive. For ocaae raontl\3 past there has boen considerable pressure on Vichy to allow UN Geraana tho uao of basoa In Korth Africa. It la poaalblo that the nattor was carried a ata^e further at tho recent neettng. It is c;aite poaalblo that tho I'arahal :uia agreed to glvo the G«naiia /greater tranait facllltlea in ITorth Africa and even to surrender baaoo but there is as vet no definite evidence f iat t'10 latter la bolnc- done. do not Hla Uajoaty'a Oovornnont/consider tljat t*ie Garr.ana havo at present In Worth '\frioa, or oa:i have within the next two or throe nontha, sufficient forcoa for full-acale operationa in t)*at aroa. Devolop^enta in Mbyc nay, however, ?iavo thrown out tlw tl e-table of tho MNM and nay oonpel then to take eono action In tho near future with such anall forces aa are avail- able to then. Tho Oemans r.ay quite possibly find It essential to neutralise Halta as a firat stop before going Into Horth Africa. There la also the possibility of acne sort of surprise attack on Gibraltar by air and with 3ubr.iarinos, possibly with Spanish connivance. Hprtl liavo boon received that the Oomana Ptcontly demanded facllltlea for t;» tranait of troops through Spain and that tho Spanish Oenorala told franco that these dezionda nuat be refused* There is however no furt'.ior evidence to confirm those reports and :ils Majesty's Government littvj no Information about the HE3:KG ^ attitude/ - 2 - attitude of the Spanish Government In face of auoh denanda* Ilia r.ajeaty'e Govomnont consider It unlikely that substantial Oeraan forces could be In Korth Africa for son© two raonthe but It Is possible that thoro will be infiltration of '"ernan troopa, par- ticularly to any baaos handed over by Petaln and ti»r© bo a otoady rolnforeenent of t>*e Ooman air fox'oee in tlx© reditorran?»an# December 18th 1941. /