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London Stock Exchange oral history: interview with Kenneth Hill

Citation: Attard, Bernard London Stock Exchange oral history: interview with Kenneth Hill. [Transcribed text] (Unpublished)

Interview with Mr Kenneth George HILL. Born June 1932, Forest Hill, London. Educated at Reigate Grammar School. Through father's connections, joined the government brokers, Mullens & Co, after national Service in 1952. Became a member of the Stock Exchange in 1961 and a Dealer-Partner in Mullens in 1970. Trained staff at the Bank of England for three years and oversaw movement to 'Big Bang'.

Date of recording: 10 August 1990.

Creators: Attard, Bernard and
Subjects: Economics
Keywords: Hill, Mullens & Co, Bank of England, stockbroker
Divisions: Centre for Metropolitan History
Collections: London Stock Exchange: an oral history


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