Citation: Larby, Patricia (2009) Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. [Guide or manual] (Unpublished)
Theses in progress is an annual listing of research for higher degrees (MPhil and
PhD) in UK universities on Commonwealth topics. This is defined as topics relating to
the Commonwealth of Nations, its member countries, and the former British Empire
(excluding Britain and US). Subject coverage is primarily in the fields of history,
politics, sociology, anthropology, economics, geography, literature, language and
religion. The subjects of education, medicine, law, science and technology are included
on a selective basis. The list is organised by geographical region and then by
A more recent version is available.
Creators: | Larby, Patricia and |
Subjects: | Economics English Culture, Language & Literature History Law Sociology & Anthropology Politics |
Divisions: | Institute of Commonwealth Studies |
Collections: | Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies |
Dates: |
Comments and Suggestions: | Description/Provenance: Submitted by Ian Cooke ( on
2006-12-15 No. of bitstreams: 2 tip2005.pdf: 2352579 bytes tip2006.pdf: 2279625 bytes
Further bitstreams submitted 2009-05-11 No. of bitstreams: 3 tip2007.pdf: 2527784 bytes
tip2008.pdf: 4524949 bytes tip2009.pdf: 1368219 bytes; Description/Provenance: Made
available in DSpace on 2006-12-15. No. of bitstreams: 2 tip2005.pdf: 2352579 bytes
tip2006.pdf: 2279625 bytes Made available in DSpace on 2009-05-11. No. of bitstreams: 3
tip2007.pdf: 2527784 bytes tip2008.pdf: 4524949 bytes tip2009.pdf: 1368219 bytes. Date
accessioned: 2006-12-15 Bitstreams added 2009-05-11; Date available: 2006-12-15
Bitstreams added 2009-05-11; Date issued: 2006-12-15 Bitstreams added 2009-05-11. |