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The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo

Citation: Blanco, Maria Jose (2009) The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. Journall of Romance Studies, 9 (1). pp. 47-57. ISSN 1473-3536 (Print); 1752-2331 (online)

In the 1960s Carmen Martín Gaite (1925–2000) began writing what she called her‘cuadernos de todo’, one of her main preoccupations during this period being the situation of women and the family in society. However, the author always rejected the ‘feminist’ label, to the extent that she even called herself an ‘antifeminist’. In this article, I examine the first ‘cuadernos de todo’, focusing on the author’s ideas about women in society. Drawing on Julia Kristeva’s (1986) article ‘Women’s time’, I indicate
the emergence in Martín Gaite’s notebooks of some of the ideas that would be part of the second wave of the 1970s feminism that Kristeva’s work helped to catalyse. Even
though ideas of ‘difference feminism’ did not reach Spain until much later, I will argue that Martín Gaite nonetheless ‘proposed’ a new kind of feminism, different from the man/woman dichotomy upon which much second wave feminism rested, a polyphonic feminism where women could, on the one hand, embrace maternity and, yet, on the
other, envisage other social roles.

Creators: Blanco, Maria Jose
Official URL:
Subjects: Culture, Language & Literature
Keywords: Carmen Martín Gaite, Julia Kristeva, women in 1960s Spain, women’s time, misogyny, feminism and antifeminism
Divisions: Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing
  • April 2009 (published)


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