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Witness Seminar, March 2014: Commonwealth Oral History Project

Citation: Onslow, Sue and Namusoke, Eva (2016) Witness Seminar, March 2014: Commonwealth Oral History Project. [Transcribed text] (Unpublished)

CRTA Witness Seminar .pdf

Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0

Commonwealth Round Table Australia Witness Seminar, conducted March 2014 in Australia as part of the Commonwealth Oral History Project. The project aims to produce a unique digital research resource on the oral history of the Commonwealth since 1965 through sixty oral history interviews with leading figures in the recent history of the organisation. It will provide an essential research tool for anyone investigating the history of the Commonwealth and will serve to promote interest in and understanding of the organisation.

Creators: Onslow, Sue (0000-0003-0998-3632) and Namusoke, Eva and
Official URL:
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Subjects: Human Rights & Development Studies
Keywords: Australia, CHOGM, Civil Society, Commonwealth Foundation, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), Commonwealth Secretariat, Constitutional Change, Decolonisation, Democracy, Development, Diplomacy, Education, Elections, Fiji, Human Rights, India, Media, Mozambique, New Zealand, Queen, Small States, South Africa, United Kingdom, United Nations, Zimbabwe (see also Rhodesia)
Divisions: Institute of Commonwealth Studies
Collections: Commonwealth Oral History Project
  • 22 March 2016 (accepted)


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