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Using structured text corpora in Parliamentary Metadata Language for the analysis of legislative proceedings

Citation: Gartner, Richard (2017) Using structured text corpora in Parliamentary Metadata Language for the analysis of legislative proceedings. Digital Humanities Quarterly . ISSN 1938-4122 (In Press)


Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0

This article examines the potential of employing structured texts, encoded in the Parliamentary Metadata Language XML schema, for the machine-readable analysis of substantial corpora of legislative proceedings. It demonstrates the potential of using PML corpora for combining the results of sentiment analysis with contextual metadata to establish and visualise patterns of divergent attitudes towards a topic such as immigration as they correlate with such features as party affiliation or geographic location. This is readily achieved using such simple techniques as XSLT transformations or XQUERY searches.

Creators: Gartner, Richard (0000-0003-1422-4067)
Official URL:
Subjects: History
Keywords: metadata, parliamentary metadata, text analysis
Divisions: Warburg Institute
  • 22 August 2017 (accepted)
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