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Environmental Displacement in 2018 – Current Protection Challenges

Citation: Anastasiou, Thekli and Ní Ghráinne, Bríd and dos Santos Soares, Alfredo and Nishimura, Lauren Sakae and Sciaccaluga, Giovanni (2018) Environmental Displacement in 2018 – Current Protection Challenges. [Discussion or working paper]

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23. Editorial: Environmental displacement in 2018 – current protection challenges
- Thekli Anastasiou and Bríd Ní Ghráinne (page 1)

24. Assessing the protection of environmentally displaced persons under the Kampala Convention
- Alfredo dos Santos Soares (page 4)

25. Responding to climate change and migration: adaptation and state obligations
- Lauren Sakae Nishimura (page 26)

26. Sudden-onset disasters, human displacement and the Temporary Protection Directive: space for a promising relationship?
- Giovanni Sciaccaluga (page 43)

Creators: Anastasiou, Thekli and Ní Ghráinne, Bríd and dos Santos Soares, Alfredo and Nishimura, Lauren Sakae and Sciaccaluga, Giovanni and
Subjects: Human Rights & Development Studies
Divisions: Human Rights Consortium
Refugee Law Initiative
  • July 2018 (published)


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